Feu Sacré
Concept and choreography by LUDOVIC PARTY
The myth of Prometheus has always fascinated women, men, thinkers and artists of every century and every discipline, and this is probably because over time it has symbolized the struggle of the friendly forces of human progress and civilizations against every form of power.
Rebel figure of the Greek Olympus, Antigone reminds us when she stands up in front of power to say no and despite certain of a fatal end, she continues in her intent.
Two important themes related to the story of Prometheus emerge for us:
1. The Power
2. Freedom
To talk about it we were inspired by the work of the German political philosopher Hannah Arendt, for whom power necessarily rests on the consent of political actors, on the freedom of citizens engaged in a common world, otherwise, in fact, it is better to speak of coercion than, as such, it is not a category of politics but an instrument for the multiplication of natural force, a neutral and inhuman essence, the power of enslavement of the individual or of the group.

The free will
The thrill of freedom that power gives us is incredible
Hannah Arendt says that the invention of freedom coincides with the invention of politics, but politics is not necessary, what has always existed is power. What distinguishes the common life of men in the polis from all other forms of human community with which the Greeks were familiar is freedom.
Taking the example of the organization of Greek society into polis, Arendt then describes what she considers freedom, without however considering politics only "as a means of making freedom possible." Because, in order to live in a polis, man must be free from another point of view: he must not be a slave subject to the yoke of others, nor a worker subject to the need to earn his bread every day. To be free, a man had first to be released or set free: and this release from domination by the necessity of life was the true meaning of the Greek skholê or the Latin otium – what we now call "leisure".
Mindsets of power and freedom are particularly materialistic and deny the power and freedom inherent in our very existence.
It is the cult of confrontation and appearance that makes us turn to the powers that be.
In this pièce danced by a single man, we want to draw a parallel between the chaining of Prometheus, therefore of all men, and investigate the deprivation of freedom from a divine power and a political power; the desire for freedom and therefore mental freedom despite the chains, to free oneself from them by facing a journey between the emotions and the experience of a modern-day titan, who will dissolve in a liberating ecstasy.
In this historical moment, it seems to us that freedom or rather freedoms are more threatened than ever and the questions about their defense and guarantee are numerous.
Who holds the power? The states? Who rules them? Or the media and social media, which have their weight and influence our opinions and our choices. Who is more powerful? Who governs us or who influences us? And what happens to our freedom? Are we aware of being manipulated? And if so why do we accept it and at what price?