Angeli di cartone

directed by VIC GIANNINI
with Donatella Busini, Rosa Inserra and Carmela Rossi

Three women with different backgrounds and personalities whose lives intersect, touch each other; women who interact in a precise moment of time, expressing how they manage the characteristic traits of their personality in that moment: rationality, enchantment and bitterness.

A place in an indefinite time, where the words, the pauses, the looks between the protagonists dominate. From this derives the choice of a minimal scenography such as to induce the public to actively listen and to solicit their imagination. The directorial choice of the use of black and white with very few significant points of color is on the same line: to anchor the viewer to the scene that does not want to be described but followed in the single expression, interaction, silence.

The directorial choice of the use of black and white with very few significant points of color is on the same line: to anchor the viewer to the scene that does not want to be described but followed in the single expression, interaction, silence.

Oltre Le Colonne

Rationality, enchantment and bitterness

Creativity in all literary forms

Similarly the music, original and composed exclusively for this show, does not prevail but supports the viewer in some paintings, without distracting him but maintaining the sense of suspension that we wanted to achieve.
A piece of speech, where every single joke implies different meanings that each user of the show can grasp according to their individual experiences or their state of mind at that moment.
The cathartic and contextually dreamlike element of Angeli di Cartone has been the subject of a research in which the traditional canons of space and time are broken to return to attentive and participatory listening.




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Teatro Hamlet

On stage at the Hamlet Theater from 28 February to 01 March 2020 "Cardboard Angels" (6.00pm/9.00pm)

28/02/2020 18:00