written, interpreted and directed by FRANCESCA BARTELLINI
Madre opened in January 2019 at the beautiful "Madre" Museum of Modern Art in Naples. It is a co-production between Ipazia Production Donnaregina Foundation for modern art. The original artistic video, created by the artist Francesca Fini, dialogues with the protagonist on stage, becoming a character, atmosphere and dramaturgical fragment, with exits and voices that refer to medieval theater. The music is built as a path that goes from the Renaissance to contemporary music.
With this text, Francesca Bartellini continues her investigation into the Sacred Feminine, the only way to build a new way of conceiving the world and a new society, with an aesthetic and expressive research study that revolves around the figure of Mary Magdalene. The monologue Mother is part of the diptych Two, together with Father, written and performed in English by Francesca Bartellini and directed by the English director Susan Wordsfold and will have its Worldpremiere in April 2019 at the Glasgow Tron Theater. In the summer, the show will be at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 and later in London.
”The show is also a performance, for me there is no difference. As in the Anglo-Saxon tradition, in which I recognize myself, for me the central point still remains the actor-performer, because without him the theater cannot exist, and I believe that to do so, bodies and life are central elements for approaching the public
Francesca Bartellini

Save Mother Earth
On stage, a war against a woman is consumed as if it were a sacrifice: the 21st century presents itself with a fierce grin. The image of the young and beautiful woman decomposes through the expansion of space-time and, from a present of gravitational waves to a past of confused echoes, the emblematic figure of Mary Magdalene emerges. Mary Magdalene and her boundless iconography of her, Mary Magdalene and the apocryphal Gospel of her, son of Magdalene.
The sacred couple, Hieros Gamos, Magdalene and Jesus. In a totally unexpected and profane way, Magdalene will reveal her motives through the centuries and free herself from her chains, since her story is "another". Reclaiming the "elastic" that moves space and time, Maddalena faces the brutality of the present in the new millennium, where nature is destroyed and children are devoured by libido or torn to pieces by butchers who sell their organs. Magdalene will scream her indignation at her and the waves of the galaxy with her, towards another future: the way of the Heart.
And she addresses the audience directly: there is no more separation. It becomes necessary for the urgency of the times.
We have to act.