Io ed Elena
Two women, a mother and a daughter suffering from serious psychiatric disorders.
Differently equal, close in the solitude with which existence and illness have led them to live.
A loneliness faced in totally different ways as are their personalities.
Anger, indulgence, desire to please, recrimination, rejection, fear: a relationship between women that is difficult for both of them to sustain. But a love relationship.
Violent, gloomy, sharp, exhausting, exasperating and maddening as only true loves can be.
”Io ed elena deserves to be seen if only for the profusion of energies on the part of the actresses, the emergence of the precious emotional and dramaturgical material of Donatella Busini, the technical and directorial knowledge of Toscanelli
Susanna QuattriniQuarta Parete Roma

A mother and a daughter
A tribute to women who are different and far from stereotypes
This cruelly realistic relationship between a woman and her psychotic daughter is told in a surreal context in which hovers the pulsating soul of a discussed and often misunderstood literary character such as that of Blanche Dubois, protagonist of the Tram called Desire by T. Williams.
Blanche's breath and spirit is an element common to the protagonists and insinuates itself into their words and actions.
The piece has the ambition to address, according to styles that refer to contemporary theater, a type of love that is little represented, hidden and painfully lived in individual family spaces, dispersed like monads in contemporary society; love for those with serious mental illness presented in its sharp expressions and in its painful daily life but lightened by the grace of a literary character treated with the tenderness that characterizes him.
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Teatro Trastevere
The show will take place at the Trastevere Theater in via Jacopo de' Settesoli n. 3 in Rome on May 14 at 17:30
14/05/2023 17:30