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you-danceThe YOU-DANCE project (“YOUngsters social inclusion & refugees’ integration through DANCE based interventions”), officially launched on March 3, 2024, aims to promote social inclusion and integration of young people through dance. Running until March 2, 2025, this Erasmus+ KA210 initiative (co-funded by the European Commission) operates in Italy, Romania and Turkey.

This project uses dance as a metalanguage and is dedicated to improving the emotional, physical, social, and relational well-being of young people between the ages of 16 and 20 from low-income families, migrants, refugees, and those with traumatic experiences related to conflict or forced migration. During this transitional phase of life, youth go through significant changes in civic and social status, and our mission is to support youth through these changes with the following goals:

  • Improve self-efficacy by helping youth recognize, understand and express their emotions appropriately.
  • Build social and interpersonal skills through positive and effective social interactions.

To include marginalized and refugee youth by fostering a sense of belonging and community.

In addition to the management and coordination of the YOU-DANCE project, some “research and development of training tools” activities will be carried out to promote the project and engage potential participants, such as:

  • Meetings with institutions and community centers to raise awareness.
  • Creation of “YOU-DANCE desks” in public areas for spontaneous recruitment of young participants.
  • Training of professionals to administer surveys to define the target group of 90 young people.
  • Individual online meetings with selected participants to identify their needs.
  • Professional training of staff involved in dance activities.
  • Setting up venues and materials for dance sessions.

In addition, activities related to “Dance-based intervention, data collection and material production” will be implemented, such as:

Implementation of dance-based intervention with two weekly sessions for groups of 30 young people per country, focusing on:

  • Functional body anatomy (5 weeks)
  • Expressiveness and emotionality (5 weeks)
  • Dramaturgical potential (5 weeks)
  • Choreographic planning and sharing (5 weeks)
  • Creation of the “YOU DANCE – WE HELP” Desk for educational and therapeutic support.
  • Periodic administration of questionnaires and interviews for evidence-based evaluation.
  • Creation of a digital portfolio with videos, photos and interviews documenting the workshops and participants’ experiences.

Ipazia Production SRL conducts a targeted communication campaign for youth from at-risk areas and refugees and is responsible for Dissemination and Campaign dedicated to youth from at-risk areas and refugees.

Expected outcomes of the project:

  1. Individual well-being: Enhancing emotional and bodily well-being through dance experiences, improving self-efficacy in expressing positive emotions and managing negative ones.
  2. Collective well-being: Fostering social and relational well-being by developing empathic and interpersonal skills through dance.
  3. Proactive behaviors: Encouraging proactive and prosocial behaviors to promote better civic and democratic participation.

Role of each Project Partner

  1. Borderlinedanza Cultural Association ETS (Italy) brings together the expertise of a psychiatrist-choreographer and a dancer-researcher in Experimental Pedagogy. This unique combination allows the organization to contribute to the YOU-DANCE project by integrating artistic creativity in dance with a focus on mental health and improving emotional, social and relational well-being.
  2. Ipazia Production SRL (Romania) has extensive experience in managing and coordinating European projects, making it a valuable partner for the YOU-DANCE initiative. Through its artistic and cultural programs, Hypatia actively fights discrimination and inequality. In addition, through strong partnerships with schools and institutions, both locally and nationally, it has direct access to youth and communities, especially in key areas for the target group of the recruitment project.
  3. ECEM Dance School (Turkey) specializes in ballet and dance training, renowned for developing high-quality courses certified by successful participation in national and international competitions. ECEM is important to the YOU-DANCE project because it provides dance training to disadvantaged youth facing economic, educational and social challenges. Each year it actively recruits vulnerable youth, including those affected by traumatic events such as earthquakes and wars.

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